Overlord Review

This 2018 movie produced by J.J. Abrams is a mix of Horror & War Genre’s. It follows a group of Paratroopers on the eve of D-Day behind enemy lines as they attempt to take a radio transmitter from a group of Nazi’s who have a surprise up there sleeves which the group will soon discover….

T.V./Movie impact on our behaviour/Identity in society

Most of us have grown up watching tv or movies in some shape or form be it in black & white or colour, it has become a major part of our lives so much so that it has an impact on our behaviour and Identity in our lives. When I’m talking about behaviour I’m not…

A.I. – Data Visualisation

After the success we had as a group with mixed reality, We as a class decided to go down the route of A.I. and Data Visualisation with mixed results. Looking back we probably should have gone a definitely topic because I think we as a group ran out of steam. I’m putting this up to…

Lifeguard Olympics video

  Below is a short video I worked on during the summer while away on a J.1 working in a summer camp. My job was to film one or two of the shots the other half was done by another one of the lifeguard’s, be in a few of the shots as well as editing…

The one

Below is my cut of a Short Film that I had worked on in college. I had a great time working on the set doing camera work & Learned so much while on set while also having a blast.

Swimming society

When you first come to college one of the big day’s in the first two weeks is the club/society sign up day. Like must students do I went along & signed up for everything & anything I was half interested in. I went to some of they such as the football society but for me…

Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Review

The Jim Hendrix Company Brought to Netflix late Last year a Prequel series of the 80’s movie The Dark Crystal. Which brings you to the world of Thra & follows the Journey of several Gelflings who soon discover the true secret behind the terrifying Skeksis power, once they do they set out to ignite the…

Experimental film – (Dono della Natura)

Below is My first Experimental Film. Hope you all really enjoy it. If you have any comment’s about it or any suggestions of what you what to see Next let me know in the comment section either here on the blog or under the video on YouTube.

Review of Vimage/Inshot

I’ve had the app “Inshot” & The free version “Vimage” for a few days now & I’ve been very impressed with them so far. For those of one that haven’t heard of them Vimage a designing/editing app, while Inshort is maining an editing app. While we have all been in lockdown i’ve had the free…